Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I was really excited to blog even longer just now,
telling u,

about 'chromatography' yg sgt mengantokkan,
(bosan tol chem ni),

about vector spaces yg sgt strange,
(Mr Highton 'karang' notes..
ditmbh pula kerabunanku yg sgt trok..
and kesengajaanku meninggalkan spectacles,
menjadikan aku malas nak tulis..hehe!!),

about regression and correlation yg sedikit menghiburkan,
(naseb baek Mr Alderson pandai ajar..)

but it suddenly turns out to be like this...







I feel sleepy..taking a 'nap' for an hour should be enough for me..ready to sleep plus I have no idea what exactly my life today..

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