Tuesday, May 11, 2010

getting married

Once getting married, everything would be doubled..
i. decision making process (you would need to have an approval)
ii. finance (you have to think about ours instead of mine, both needs and demand, balancing it)
iii. food (prepare a table for two, or in few years time might be for three or more)
iv. care (you would want to iron both clothes compared to when you are single)
v. parents (officially doubled – the ‘taking care’, ‘money’ and gladly, their bless would be doubled)
vi. others

sumber: mane-mane je.

selamat menempuh hari bahagia buat kak Zaffan tersayang..mungkin senarai di atas boleh ditambah dengan dakwah..InsyaALLAH, dakwah makin laju..!
[bagaimanalah rasa itu, kan?mesti dup dap dup dap..fuh!]

2 pEsAnAN:

miraroslan said...

knape sumer org ckp pasal kawen??

wpon ini soalan lapuk, tp kala ini, ramai btol...

mungkin nak dekat summer kot..
skrg kita ade housemate yg ckp pasal ni..almost everyday kak!!!

gantikan lili tai gamaknya

aKmA said...

eh awak. ye ker? :P

penangan adamaya kot. biasalah. haha

mira ceritalah jugak pasal kahwin. lol.
